August 4, 2013

Wastefree planet, is it possible ?

What if the Wall-e scenario will be raelity on Terra ?

THe ones who have seen the apocalyptical Pixar animation, Wall-e shure were fascinated by the future tech and also that we haven`t managed to eliminate those waste-mountains. But this robod is a typical pioneer and sensible "electronic creature", which programm is to compress waste.
If the trend of producing waste is growing together with increase of population, than it`ll be impossible to recicle everything and a total jam of matherials transfer and infrastructure kind of issue will put people on strike and will couse a massive reufgee or a civil war. 

We don`t want this ! We can survive ONLY with recycling, reusing anddispose the matherial after it`s life time in biodegradable compost.

A boy is searching for foodrests to keep him alife in this garbage area (Kosovo)

It also has an effect on the future genration of young people who will never get out of the junk to get a real job. If we won`t produce so much awste, there would not be mountains of waste, that are a gold mine for undeveloped countries, were the lowers salary is $1 to $2 a day (not even hour). If we don`t reduce this production, bying less and trying to have our own garden or to by localy from local producers and recycle metal plastic (PVC, PET, PV, bakelite, rubber, nylon, etc.), paper (newspaper, fax, copypaper, cardboard, PFL MDF, wood spikes, "wood dust")

There is also a menthality problem with compost: if animal and human waste are gathered and combined with the agriculture soil, than I will eat my own *hit ?
Soil take the principal role in our life, it`s the fundation of leaving plants, life stock and a reservoire of C (carbon). 

If a bio-waste is burned, the ashes combined with plant rests and some unfertile soil, than this mixture will increse the nacrofage bacterials that decompose the components of these ingredients.

So please keep clean and try to make compost to reuse biodegradablee waste.